Monday, June 4, 2007

So Stereotype Me

Hey you..

Now, I'm not normally one for daily posts, but I do feel the need. Not to mention my laptop finally has some kind of power so I am in the comforts of my own room and what not.

First of all, I would just like to very subtly establish that Johnny Depp is so. fucking. hot. Oh my god. He is so bloody sexy.. especially with eyeliner and all.. *swooon* I really hope that they will be a Pirates 4, simply because boys look pretty damn hot prancing about the screen in eyeliner and grime :D

Hahaha.. Yeah I reckon you've figured that I've (finally) caught Pirates 3 :D I personally loved it. Granted I found it rather confusing at certain bits, it was overall a brilliant flick. Plus, it was generally understandable, unless of course you're a moron like buu and didn't see the first two! hahaha

And as you would imagine, everytime the lovely Depp graced the screen, i got all excited and smiley.. hahaha.. too typical (: Din kept going on about how hot Orlando Bloom was. Ok. I must admit, that he is a little tiny teensy weensy bit hot in the flick, but only in scene sans Johnny.. especially after his prolonged absence! hhaha.. Oh come on, he can't compete and you know it Din! And he can't act to save his damn life, like.. Hello Mr One-Expression-For-Everything! And Keira Knightly, who is normally quite pretty, looks a little too manly in this film. Maybe she got bored of being the only girl and is suddenly trying to compete with the guys eh? Hahaha.. Yeah.. Johnny Depp takes the fucking cake and you all know it. (Although I must admit, he should keep his shirt on) Hahaha..

In fact, I think I might see it again! hahaha.. Seriously. Wanna see it with me?(:

So anyway.. Today was more of an impromtu thing. Greeted awake with HelloMoto at around 1015? Din was calling to ask if I wanted to see the film today instead.. and so we met at the God forsaken Tampines and caught the flick.. haha *Beams* And then after that Din went shopping and we sat at starbucks with a cup of passion TEA and chatted and revealed and frowned. Oops. Din, Bad taste(: Hahahaha..

And just so you don't think I'm some kind of giggly schoolgirl, I shall discuss things other than the wonders of the Depp. Like how incredibly inevitable it is for us to allow our parents to wash their thinking into us. Because for some reason, the great big wonderful plan is starting to make a fuckload of sense.

Yes, this is some fucking bullshit we're in, innit?

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong

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