Sunday, June 3, 2007

Trying in vain

And in an instant, a week is gone.

Damn. Guess who has once again been banished to this hell hole that is the computer room? Really, what's the point of the fucking laptop? Right so here I am amoung my imbecillic(sp) brothers who seem to be fawning over counter-strike.

The holidays are really not living up to it's name, with the exception of tomorrow when I don't have school. But that's only because i dropped bio. My other days are so congested with school(8 hours of lit anyone?) and other relatively unnecessary things.. can you believe i still have yet to see Pirates? Yes I continue to be deprived of the Depp!

I'm not in particularly poetic mood right now. In fact I am rather grouchy, despite the indulgence of a warm chocolate cake at Bakerzin. hmp. Oh yes! yesterday i went to chinatown with my family. It was too cool. I haven't been there in a while.. and i felt like a tourist.. it was funny. And today we went to Raffles city.. I think the nicest and/or most romantic thing a person can do for me right now is to get in the doughnut line and queue up for me and get me a dozen doughnuts! ...Anyone? Anyone? haha.. Damn.

There's been quite a bit of talk on my future lately. And it's really irritating me. It's just so.. real. I mean.. it's so like official. Not that I'm a commitment phobe, in fact I'm normally the one who has every single nitty gritty detail set out in front of me.. but this time it;s just too big a plan for me to even want to get started. It's just very intimidating. And yes I know we're all going through it.. but we're all in different situations now aren't we? We're all facing different pressures and different expectations and even different goals. So we're all in this alone. And it scares the fucking hell out of me, it really does.

I'm really irritable right now. I think I might just be pmsing.. and i think i really need to see a doctor soon. Dang. That's not very fun now is it?

Oh and Pasu? You're on that damn boat alone now.

So since I’m not your everything
How about I'll be nothing?
Nothing at all to you.

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