Sunday, June 10, 2007

Never be lonely

Are we allowed.. to ask questions?

Yesterday Pau and I trudged to the Esplanade in very uncomfortable stilettos to catch 'Scared Monsters'. I was the chick with purple legs and her, the chick in brown with perfectly perfect hair. Haha.. Met her at around 6.30 after some complications with my stalking family(!) We ate at the food court with Britney Spears on instant replay in our minds(!!) Haha... And after I finally finished my ice kachang, we attempted to walk to the esplanade, but somehow got LOST! Well.. for like 3 minutes.. Haha.. I'm not trusting pau with directions again! haha..

The show was cool.. It was kinda really abstract and intimate. It was kind of like a fusion thing with live music and all.. The vocalist started singing in some strange foreign language that I thought for an instant was lithuanian! Hahaha.. Of course it wasn't. I tried to be smart and tell pau it was italian.. but it was indian. HAHA.. Don't even ask how I got there. Anyway, the show was kind of really deep. And I'd be lying if I say i understood it. Haha. Sylvie Guillem is AMAZING. Her arche is gorgeous you can see it four floors up! *swoons* Haha.. Oh right, our seats Haha.. we forgot our binoculars but there were okay la.

After that, we swung by Gelare and recharged for a while. By that time my black heels had given me blisters the size of my pinky and pau was dying of exhaustion.. We ate and confessed our very questionable musical tastes, everything from Elton John, Spice girls, Madonna and N*Sync(!!!!) HAHAHA.. Pau got a small waffle and I had ice cream sundae(regretably coffee) Oh! Pau also got a $2.50 can of coke.. and she was complaining about how it was the most expensive can of coke she had in her life and so..

"So? Your waffle was like..7 bucks"

HAHAHAHA.. ok it was funnier last night.

These are my lovely flamingo earrings (:

And these are my coral gams (:

** EDIT I forgot to add.. Johnny Depp turned 44 yesterday!!! :D EDIT**

Anywho, I've been getting increasingly worried watching time pass by ever so quickly. In another instant, the second week of the beloved holidays are gone. And what do I have to show for it? Er.. how about nothing? It's so bleah. I tried to do some form of work today and although I did, it was a rather insignificant amount. ):

I haven't seen a ton of people in a while eh?

Although I've been trying desperately to keep the notion of my very fussy future out of my mind, it's still there at the back of my mind, nagging at me to sort it out. And I just can't. Or I just won't.

Is this right?

I keep dreaming
You'll be with me and you'll never go

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