Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Forget what we're told

I feel strangly unimportant.

So it's been rather quiet lately huh? Hmm.. Nothing much has been happening.. I made cupcakes yesterday.. Angelcake! They're rather.. interesting. Haha.. Yum.. I might be making back-to-school cookies.. If you're lucky, and only if you're lucky, I might make you one! If not then I guess you're stuck with canteen food after-taste then huh? (: Haha.. The ego on me.. (:

Hmm.. Did you know that if you ask the baristas at Starbucks to warm up your coffee, they'll just make you a whole new cup? Well.. maybe it's just the guy at the airport branch.. I was so shocked when he presented me with a whole new cup of vanilla latte! haha.. and I was already halfway through the first one! Oh my.. Starbucks is brilliant!

Mmm.. I need a damn holiday.. Being at the airport and watching all these people get all excited and leave for some pristine beach or some shopping paradise or just some kind of holiday... well.. it's not fair! I'm stuck here, having to study for the stupid exam and all that shit and they get to go away! ): Hmm.. Ethel's away. Tsk tsk. Haha.. But yeah, I really wanna just take a break, sit back and relax. Mmm... I miss New Zealand.. and the beach.

I know this might sound strange, but I kinda miss school too! OH!

Haha.. I have no idea what to say. I know I should be doing homework now. That's probably why I'm blogging despite not having anything in particular to say. Haha.. how incredibly unproductive.

I have decided that I don't wanna get a job after the Os.. Buu and I made a pact to save as much money as we could so that we don't have to work and party all day! Haha.. And then we can patronise where all you guys are working and we'll get discounts! (: Haha.. what a fantastic plan yeah? Anyway, I'll be too busy learning French and being that much closer to the Depp.. who lives in France! Hahaha(:

God I can't wait for it all to end. I can't wait to get out of secondary school and into the dark recesses of whatever-comes-next. I can't wait til I get to shop all day and party all night. I can't wait to start bettering myself. I can't wait til I no longer have to pour through notes for Science or maths or whatever else I abhor. I can't wait til I no longer have to suffer by eating nasty school food everyday. I can't wait til I no longer have to study chinese(!) I can't wait til Graduation Night. I can't wait til all the exams are over. I can't wait til I get to taunt my old chinese teacher. I can't wait til I get to go to the beach again. I can't wait to come back to CCA as a true alumni. I can't wait til I no longer have to wake up at 645 every godforsaken day. More importantly I can't wait til I'm no longer on that damned boat and when I start drinking tea.

I can bet 100% that when I graduate, I'd be reading this and laughing at my own niavity.

But it hurts when I think
When I let it sink in
It's all over me

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