Monday, August 8, 2011

love out of lust

Life just before my adventure with Justine back to the motherland, but more on that later. Maybe I'm still in the post-bliss (ish) of a good night but I am glad that nothing seems to have shifted in the time I was gone. Blame it on paranoia and a useless sim card I guess. I am starting to see that I need to stop letting my past hold me back. I find that I say "I'm normally blah-blah-blah kind of person" way too often these days. First of all, there is no normally. I have never been normal or been in normal situations. I can't even take a fucking bus without being attacked by H20 -.- Also, I am (trying) not (to be) the same person anymore. I have my crazy in check and I should keep it that way. I can't deny that you are slowly growing on me though. See that's the problem with distance, it really makes you realize how much a person means to you. Life without someone is either much better or much more boring. It took quite a while but by the time I missed it, I really missed it and I haven't actually felt that way in.. a good while. Hmm.

Sometimes these feelings can be so misleading

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