Sunday, November 14, 2010

A long way from home

Yet again. Cramping like a bean. Not sure why they've gotten so bad seeing as I hardly do anything to aggravate it. Hardly. On yet another emotional ride, I find that I am still mostly alone. Alone but not alone together. Hmm. This week saw yet another incredibly insightful coffee talk with the skinny one. Everything I've left out has stayed inside me and has left me worried that the more buried it is, the more it would manifest into something I'll have to live with. Not live with the way I do now, passing thoughts and a couple of dreams, but live with meaning accepting what it is now. Life. On hindsight, I wonder if I really took it all for granted and it's pushing me to not do that now but it feels like there isn't much to not take. Sigh. I hate school. Everything from the overbearing people to the lame work. It's not too much to handle (depending on who you are anyway) it's just.. stupid. As always. This week also saw me threading on dangerous grounds... are they still considered dangerous? Not really. To be honest, I don't feel anything but your venomous words. Don't be surprised, I am really not above much. And yet I still think I am better than everybody. I'd like to think such honesty is enduring. Hurrhurr. On a lighter note, the year end is quickly approaching and everything is ending.

Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
until you died?

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