Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things have changed but they're still the same

You looked right through me, we were miles away.

Twelve of my favorite photos from Friday, Sonia you are fucking disgusting. Agyness Deyn on the other hand is way too hot to be straight. Hahaha. I am actually feeling rather content at the moment and don't quite feel the burning desire to sort out my thoughts but what the heck, I don't have much else to do. Since I am the only chinese one, this weekend will be rather dull. But it might not be too horrible. I'm thinking i'd take an ironic trip to Chinatown on Monday and or use the time to clear things up and get it out of the way. Or.. maybe not do any of that. Haha. I guess I just feel like some alone time, or maybe just some space. So anyway school will soon be in full swing and I'm somewhat looking forward to that. I'm too free now, really. Hung with D and chEW on Friday, impulsive compulsive as per always! Buu just called so yay, she's not dead. Hahaha. Oh and I won! HA. It's always weird to see one's friend in a position you used to be in and be able to dictate to her what's right and wrong when you used to be as at a loss yourself. Did that make any sense? Lately I feel like all I've been doing is condoning in hypocrisy. I used to want the best for you and everything that you did and now I could care less. Or maybe I actually secretly do but am pretending not to. Often I reflect and wonder what exactly went wrong with us and I guess the only real answer is that it was never right.

If you loved me,
Why'd you let me go?

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