Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I thought I knew you so well

You sure have changed since yesterday

So we gather, normally over coffee free or otherwise (Bend low bitch), we sit around enjoy the company, enjoy the atmosphere and how could we forget, the view(!) Then the night turns and I fade out a bit, get a tad quiet. Or when a comment lingers dangerously at the table coupled with uncomfortable silence and the mutual understanding of the unintended effect. That's right about when everyone asks the ever-redundant question "Are you okay?" or my personal favorite, "Oh Bi.." paired with a quiet sigh and the distinctive look of concern, pity and quite frankly exasperation in their eyes. To which I'd normally reply politely that I'm fine and we'd be on our merry way. I am fine, really. Lately I've just been.. troubled, but mostly by superficial and frivolous thoughts like what to wear to school or whose going where with me when. My mind has been in an awful clutter ever since the prospect of school starting rearing it's ugly head. It's screwing with my mind I say! But hey, it's a completely different yet somehow exactly the same experience. Old friends, new problems, anti-socialism and school food! Hahaha. What a random random train of thought. See I warned you about the clutter!

Sappy pathetic little me,
That was the girl I used to be,
You had me on my knees.

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