Sunday, October 19, 2008

My life is a competition and I only win with material goods.

I already know what my addiction is.

So I am back, I have survived the Melamine! Haha. I will post the photos soon when I am feeling Well, let's see. "Labels or Love" pretty much soundtracked my brave journey across the sea, battling emotional hiccups and everything else in between, all alone at that! Haha. I really am lucky and very grateful for all the everything I get to do and spend. Throughout the trip I realised that I am indeed an exact replica of my father and well I'm quite okay with that. My third trip there and I am still loving every bit Hong Kong has to offer! Only downside was perhaps that I got pick-pocketed but all's good. Plastic and gum is decidedly a lot messier than it sounds! Oh and this time I realised that every other couple is gay and that..amused me. Hahaha. Not forgetting throughout the trip I have been having rather.. queer dreams, only to wake up, look around and have it hit me that some dreams come true. Though their not always the ones that leave us.. content, to severely understate it. Haha. I have a lot of new things. SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW OH MY GOD. Actually it's only one hour so..whatever. Hahaha!

A little voice inside my head said,
Don't look back,
You can never look back

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