Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Every other morning it's your face that I miss

Nothing lasts forever.

Especially not temporary jobs! Goodbye mid-range priced clothing outlet and the dread it brought! Still, not a bad stint on the whole I suppose. Honestly it isn't as terrible as I make it out to be, but then again maybe it's cos I'm finally free! Haha. Payday is less than a day away and I'm just itching for the rest of my life back though I'm not sure how that's looking anymore. Oh and after months and months I finally cut my hair. Symbolic? Let's fucking hope so. Anyway the two morons are off in Malaysia and have left me here alone to fantasize about getting kidney stones in my motherland. I'm starting to get excited about going again, perhaps cos there's nothing but school to look forward to. Oh the complete and utter joy. The dread I feel towards returning to the institution is really directed at the social aspect more than the technical what-nots. Roar. There's still time though, there's still time. I'm fine.

Burn another bridge,
Break another heart. 
You try again
And it will only fall apart.

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