Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You give me low blood pressure

Drama farewell. God, where do I begin. Hmm.. Let's see. Well, I guess I'd have to apologise for throwing such a hissy bitch fit(: Oops. I was cranky and annoyed and it's never ever a good idea to throw wet stuff at a very irritated, very pms-y Abi. Haha.. Sigh. And even then, I guess I have to give you props(ew) Haha. It was an awesome location, and even though our general annoyance and bitchiness killed your plans, you guys really put in lots and lots of effort into it and it is now gladly appreciated(: Everybody from Joy to Gunita especially and all the rest who came. Sorrow as well for yelling at you all constantly and always. AND AND AND. We kinda figured out where the money came from, no not by magic as you claim, so really, honestly, Thank you all so much for everything. You were really thoughtful and stuff and it turned out okay(:

So it was at the Safra place thing, Sonia NA and I arrived annoyed and cranky. After a while, the party started and we spent it lamenting that it was the boring-est party ever. Then of course, the retardedly lame games came out. Haha. Tealight ceremony went alright. I said my peace, and meant it too, so don't forget. And then, naturally, Spin The Bottle, Truth or Truth style(: Funny funny((: Hahahah. I can't help but laugh.. Hee(: It slowly evolved into a heart-to-heart talk and the whole spill your secrets here and now thing. It was quite...enlightening(: Anywho, Din sonia and I stayed over, completely unprepared. And it's a relatively creepy place so Sonia had to keep me up at night with her til like 3am while Din was out like a log. Fool.

So the pictues were all gross so we're going back to last year's party.

It's interesting to think, that it was so long ago.

Well, today Buu and I hung out for a while, talked a bit. And now, I am tired, and I am confused, and I am not looking forward to the future, I'll tell you that. I am worried, I am apprehensive. And, oh my god, I am scared.

This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together

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