Sunday, November 25, 2007

Poor little not-so-rich girl

I want to live on the beach.

The sound of the waves, the sand everywhere, the refreshingly cold sea water, the smell of sun-block on my skin, the wind in my incredibly messy hair, the rocks(ATTACK!), my awesome hat, the junk food, the hanging around and of course the company(: But no, not the conferencing, hungry birds. Haha. Friday was spontanueous beach day again with free-loading Pasu and paying Din-sha(: Good times, good times.

Sunday's are great for bumming around at home. There's something incredibly inviting about a lazy sunday afternoon, especially when it rains(: And the moon is delectable at night with a couple glasses of wine(:

Hmm.. So I shall assume that if I have yet to go out with any of you, or even try to set up a date, in the next week, I'm probably never seeing you again. And let's not count obligations shall we? It's just not good enough anymore. Haha.. Oh well, that's less people to christmas shop for(:


My forehead, is like HUGE.


It always ends like this(:

I'm filled to the brim with christmas cofffee(: And I mean the good black-sugary liquid kind, not the irritating annoying kind(: Hahaha. Mint coffee is abosolute sex. My dad says that there's a Starbucks in our hotel in Hong Kong! Haha, can't escape(:

I'm so damn over it.

Hong Kong: 8 Days!

Kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling

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