Thursday, November 8, 2007

Don't they always?

Lean, Mean and Oh my god(:

So I been free for about 3 days now. Vivo-d with Din, Rah, Pau and Buu after ALL EXAMS. It was funny stuff. Dined at Thai Express and then finally enjoyed my long-waited warm chocolate cake at Bakerzin. Yummy(: Got home really really late and drank my Os aways. HEE(:

Next day was Vivo again with the anti-bio chicks + Max. Haha. So that's Ethel, Cheong, Weelyn, Deborah + Max. It was messy. Really. Like the failure of the train jump-in. Haha.. Apparently it doesn't work with six people at four different stops, with me at the LAST one. Of course. I was absolutely exhausted the whole day though. But it was funny(: Like the soup ordeal at Sushi Tei. Since Weelyn was the only one who commanded respect, and since she found a tiny little fly in the steamboat soup thing, she complained after we were about three-quarters through.. So we got a whole new pot. And we must have looked really suspicious too cos when Wee was telling the waiter, the rest of us were hiding our face and giggling. HAHA. Not to mention, she continued eating out of the pot after we told them anyway. Haha. FOOL(:

Anwywho, shopping wasn't that fantastic. Sorely disappointed. It was all winter-y stuff. Meah. Oh yeah. We saw some dumb fuck movie. GAY plan. Eight bucks wasted. Debs and I fell asleep. Weelyn and Cheong didn't know who the Rock was. They still don't. Even after the movie. Hahaha. Typical. Haha.. I'm really gonna miss them. I hope we get together again soon!

Today was Chinatown. AND I packed my room. KINDA. haha. I tried. Ordered my prom Night Foof thing. I hope it turns out okay... Collecting it nest Wednesday. It's cutting kinda close. I really REALLY hopes it turns out well. I'm getting so damn sick of Grad Night.

Oh me oh my. I hate that it hasn't hit me yet that I'm free, that I no longer have to study, that I never have to go back to school, that I start Poly next year...that I'm on holiday. It just feels so.. weird. Dammit.

Haha. Still looks good on paper though(:

It was a dare ok. A DARE.

It's a fire I can't put out

So all we do is wait

All day, everyday(:

No, I don't get it.

Oh if only I had 99 bucks to spare..

Sigh. I settled for a cheaper rip-off from Chinatown

This is what FOOF means! 'cept in white.

Honey, I could stare all day.
Yeah, I know it's wrong.

And I feel a weakness coming on
Never felt so good to be so wrong
Had my heart on lockdown
And then you turned me around
I'm feeling like a new born child
Every time I get a chance to see you smile
It's not complicated
I was so jaded

And you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming

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