Saturday, November 17, 2007

Were you jealous?

Honestly, I can be so fucking stupid.

Well obviously it was grad night yesterday. After all that hype and shit, we all got so sick of it and just wanted to get it over and done with. The school's a motherfucking bitch. Firstly, the incredibly disorganised Primary school gathering, the lies that dress pants were accepted, the fucktard lack of air-conditioning, the incredible (lack of) decorations and of course the boring as hell ceremony. Oh. I went in my big Foof. Initially, when I left my house in my hundred dollar shoes, I was fearing that I might be too formal, and when I arrived in school... Well.. Hmm. HAHA.. It was quite a show actually.. Tons of people were so damn dressed up, professional make-up, dolled up hair and glitter and what not. Oh. I gave up caring after a while, and Thank goodnesss too, co sit really would just have melted in the retarded heat. Oh, and the fans KILLED my hair. Fuck it.

So, being the incredibly cranky fool that I was, Ashrina and I spent the whole time complaining and criticising people. HAHA. I sat through the whole crap to go up on stage for like, seven seconds. Anywho, after they finally released us, we stomped off to do the usual cam whoring stuff. Hmm.. Yeah, I know I was being an asshole. So.

The party itself was fuck awesome. There were two live bands and they did cover songs. And it wasn't too bad, well, it hardly ever is with this bunch right? Haha.. The lighting and stuff was pretty alright and there was a smoke machine to create an aura..of coolness. HAHAHA. Ew. We were just partying and dancing and jumping away like we owned the place. Hee. Yeah, it got pretty gross after a while. Sweat soaked hair stuck to our faces, blister-infested feet, bad faces, tantrums thrown, screaming songs, laughing and just enoying ourselves. I was still being an asshole, or trying anyway. Hee. I honestly thought I didn't give a fuck. HAHA. Anywho, after a while, Rae sonia and I created our own party and danced while the boring prom queen thing was going on. T'was hilarious(: Haha. It must have been quite a sight, we tried to form a fake ass grind-line(Im guessing this sounds odd) while random jocks shook their heads at us. HAHAHA. We're such fucktards and I love it(:

Haha. So eventually we had to leave and head to our hotel, Pan Pacific. Flipping jocks left their stuff in sonia's bag. Idiots. So we got to the hotel, crashed, burned, and died. Absolutely DIED. And so here I am now, feeling very very disoriented, cranky, and incredibly vulnerable. Think we've all learnt our lesson and the amount at the Abnia party will be greatly reduced. Trust me it's for the best. Haha.


Doesn't everyone just look stunning? Haha

Purple Pau!(:

Din-sha! Excuse me you, you weren't even in white! FOOL! HAHA

Haha. Grab and Go!

Hehe. Pau got cranky(:




Rah oh Rah

Hahaha. I look like I'm nursing a cold!

I'm barely even in this! And I look strangely yellow.

Oh dear me.

EW EW EW. NO ONE looks good. HAHAHAH. Post-party. we were this tired.

oh. I hate flash

The morning after.

I never knew I felt that way, and it's scaring the fuck out of me.

This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don’t know how it got so bad
Sometimes it’s so crazy
That nothing can save me
But it’s the only thing that I have

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