Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Coffee Kills, Bitch

Joy. You are a failure.

Hahaha.. Teddy bear attempts are futile(: So anywhos, days are going by post-Os quicker than I thought.. Finally everyone is officially free from the evil wrath that is exams and life has resumed to the hectic shopping and coffee days. HEE(:

Hmm.. So Monday was hanging out with Din and all her special friends(: HAhaha.. Men in white? OH! Hahaha.. Starbucks is fab at night, Coffee.. not so much. Hahaha.

Tuesday, which was yesterday, was potentially the most embarrassing day of my life, and trust me, I had many. HAHa. First off, Ethel and I tried to be cool by appearing for Grad Night rehearsals sans School uniform. Yes, we came in our going out clothes. And after realising that noone, and I repeat, NO ONE else was not in school U, We freaked out and died. And after about twenty minutes of freaking out and apprehensiom, we, for some strange reason, mustered the courage to walk into the school hall. And..well.. we all saw what happened.. Everyone, and just to be clear, EVERYONE turned and stared at us and luaghed and made faces and judged. HAHAHA.. We were trying desperately to hide our faces and Mr Hamzah totally made it worse! Do i LOOK like I'm from China? HAHAHAHA...

So I got into other random trouble as well(Should have sen my face when the dude came up to me and yanked me out) regarding some incriminating photo I have never seen. Anywho, Joseph saw us and DIED and sent us home. HA. So I went to school for nothing. And of course our dearest Ethel left her bag in the hall so we had to wait in the hot hot heat for the damn rehearsal to end. Haha. We died and went out to get ice-cream(: HA!

So after this whole big sweaty fuss, Pau Sonia and I went to do our hair. Haha.. Yeah you have to wait til Friday to see it. Pau's purple! So anyway, Rah Din Pau and I went to Laguna for a post-Os Feast. Totally awesome. Truth or Dare with this bunch? HEE(:Ha. oh. Just for the record, my parents HATE my hair, like with a passion. Obviously they have something against having a side swept thing. Likened me to my brother. Like.. That's some fucking insult I tells ya. And I know I'm gonna be taking shit for it forever, just you watch. They're fucktards who think that I will turn out like my brother because of my hair. Which by the way does NOT resemble his at ALL. Just thinking about it is fucking pissing me off. Oh and by the way, I love my new hair. So THERE.

Ha. I collected my skirt today. And finally pieced my grad night outfit together. Frankly, I'm getting sick of it all. It's getting me in a lot of trouble and causing me tons of fuss. I heart heart heart my shoes.. Haha. Aldo pulled through after all!Haha. so again you have to wait til Friday(:

Oh... Just a sneak peek(:

Ew Rae..EW

Uh? I'm the third one, can you tell?

New hair. New bag. Same face(:

Haha. Totally random. But yummy(:

I didn't know that it was so cold
And you needed someone to show you the way
So I took your hand and we figured out
That when the tide comes I'd take you away

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