Maybe it isn't fair but I don't care(: Stupid blogger is being a fucking neanderthal and thus the photos that I have so painstakingly uploaded are potrayed to me html style. And that leaves me to depend on my html eye, which I, of course, do not possess. Haha.. So it has been a busy busy week. Tons of foolishness, annoyance, confusion and money(or lack thereof)
Monday was badminton day with the chinese sonia. Yeah, ew. Two grueling hours and a shower later, we headed out in an attempt to look for a job. Hmm.. T'was relatively fruitful. Dan the man is mean and lies to me. Coffee powder is way too ironic anyway(: WELL. Haha.. The other one dragged me to Far East to cut her hair. Uh. I spent 60 bucks on like..two tops. Oops. That was also the day I tried strange foods on a stick for the first time ever. Odd. Haha..Met the Pau for dinner after that and paid the man.
Tuesday was Ethel day! Haha.. I was super late(as always). Haha.. sorry(: We went to Plaza Sing cos..uh..uhh... I don't know. HAHA. Our plans to watch Stardust DIED. HAHA.. We even walked all the day to some place I don't know the name of to check the timings. More failure.. HAHA. So we watched Enchanted instead.. It was pretty good. Patrick Dempsey HAHA. No ethel, I did not JUMP ship(: After that we left the boring malls and went to City Hall. Ethel is embarrassing and was once rejected by charity. HAHAHA(: That was also the night I went back to Ballet for the first time in..ever. And it was just.... Ouch.
Wednesday was the first ever sucessful S CUBE NIGHT(: HAHA. And that stands for Scrubs, Seinfeld and something-else-which-we-forgot-and-thus-assume-it's-simpsons. Hee(: And since the shop didn't have Scrubs for some odd reason, Rae Pau and I watched Sienfeld, the Simpsons movie and Superbad. YOYOMA! Hahahaha. oh. Superbad is icky and gross but oh-so-hilarious. Spontaneous sleepovers are the best(:
Thurday... uh.. Errands day. Left Rae's place and the ungodly hour of uh..ten(HA) and ran around Singapore doing what I have to do. Heh. I even found tim to clean up my room(: And by that i mean CLEAN UP. Haha. Books have been removed and I can finally see floor.. Haha.. Oh! I also watched Stardust.. illegally of course(: Yes, after much persuasion from Jessie, I finally set aside some time to see it. It was alright. Pretty good.
Today was Shopping with a mission, which I personally abhor. Din totally died(: Haha.. Towned and stuff... Got more merchandise for Hong Kong, a new jacket and legwarmers. YAY(: I so can't wait now.. Hahaha.. Anywho, we died at starbucks TWICE, in lieu of next week. Haha.. I stole a paper cup. SHH..(: Heh. MAN DIN(:
And so tomorrow is Rae's party day and I have absolutely nothing to wear. RAHR. Oh, and did I mention that it's over?(: TEA!
You can't deny the Depp(:
Rae got me a shark(:
You know, after all these years, I still lose out. In every imaginable way. I'm just.. inferior. That's just the way it is. I tried, I really really did. And it is becoming increasingly obvious to me that, I just can't. She's just..better. It isn't even a matter of me being competitive anymore, it's just. Surviving.
Hong Kong: 3 days!(:
Is there anyone out there?
Cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe