Friday, May 18, 2007

Stifling My Screams


For ChrisT's sake, someone help me.

I personally think results are a fuckload of shit, don't you? I think they are the absolute most unnecesary thing on the face of the earth.. Gathered in the hall today to get our results back. And the best part is I wasn't even worried. At all. All fucking week I was worrying about some stupid shit that I now realise is just such a waste of my bloody time. I can't even appreciate the damn irony of it all, that i was worried for nothing, or for what I think is nothing.

Don't even get me started on the actual results. FUCK. I haven't done this bad in a long ass time. Granted I didn't fail anything (yet?) but it's still bad. Not a single fucking distinction. AND AND AND dammit. People keep doing better than me. that..THAT I really can't stand if its stupid people who claim they didn't know what was going on in the paper and didn't study and all that fucking shit. SPARE ME. These are the kind of things that push me over the edge, these inconsiderate, arrogant, and dare I say.. UNDESERVING people.

You damn fucking straight, I'm bitter.

I feel very much like lodging a fucking potato at your fucking head and hurting you so bad you DIE. OR I hope you die a slow, menticulous death, no, not because you beat me, NO.. but because all I've ever heard from you is you lying about how worried you bloody are about the whole damn thing, esp that subject.. and then, ever so miraculously, you do so fucking well. AND to pretend you give a rat's ass about how I feel.. Jesus, how dumb do you really think I am? In fact, it's not even just one bloody subject. it's every flipping thing!


ok I really needed to get that off my chest. No, do not ever EVER ask me about this ever, for fear of aggravating my stifled screams.

Although I must say, it's days like these that I thank the lord for wonderful people like buu, who is truely awesomely awesome. Knowing that I was in a horrible mood, she ran out after school and bought me the coke that she kinda 'owed' me. Yup, all 1.5 LITRES of it. HAHA (: So then we sat around in class feasting and drowning our sorrows in coke, nuts and chocolate.

Sigh. I think the world has gone mad. Like, seriously. Everything in my world seems to be topsy turvey, like, nothing makes sense anymore, nothing fits. And I don't get it! I can't understand. It's everything, not just this or that. And it's not pleasant. Maybe we should all just keel over and die, yeah.

That'd be a sight.

'O' levels: 9 more days

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive.

I can't keep up, and I can't back down, I've been losing too much time.