Saturday, May 12, 2007

Midsummer's nightmare

Are you sure it's over?

Haha.. i got up today feeling horrible. But let's get to that later...

Yesterday was the last day of hell. YET NOT QUITE. Chinese Os are fucking my life up.. We've got these horrid chinses drils from now on.. fifteen hours of chinese a week on top of my normal six hours of tuition man. what the fuck. I better pass. Also I;m gonna have to pass up great oppurtunities cos of it. Fuck.

ANYWAY.. after the intense horror of Phy/Chem MCQ, which I mostly guessed.. And of course Chinese listening( I rushed off to meet jooooooyyyyyy. haha.. ETHEL HAD TUITION! HAHA.. ass. i had to pick joy up and she was wearing a skirt.. you're right lamethel, joy has sexylegs.. Haha (: We went to parkway cos I had to leave early.. ate at Pastamania and then we walked around a bit. But we got bored so we went to Giant where I had to buy chicken. erm.. yeah. HAHA.. I bought a slab of chicken for the picnic.. and I wouldn't stop prodding at it cos it was soft and bouncy! HAHA.. yeaps. then we sat around at starbucks listening to music til her friend came to pick her up (again) to go to KBOX. ERRRRR... right. HAHA.. I bought this awesomely awesome note pad which says MOOD ALERT! and has got a whole bunch of questions like.. TODAY MY DAY WAS.. and then some great answers like 'horrendous' and 'oy vey' that you'd tick. Haha.. let's see what i said..


I FEEL LIKE: Snuggling(with who?), Pitching a fit and Rethinking life
TONIGHT I NEED A: Drink(of coffee), Break, Miracle<>

IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU: Compliment me, Shut up, Listen, Hold me close

TOMORROW I HOPE TO: Be vindicated

HAHA.. how randomn. (: After that I went home and got the food ready and went off to meet sonia at doby gaut. I had to take the damn train myself. I wore my shorts with a green top.. and I had a coffee craving so despite the immense heat, i stopped over for a mocha at starbucks.. then i stood and waited for sonia to come.

So i waited.. and waited.. and waited... and waited..

til finally half an hour later she pulls up in her dad's car and i hop in so he can send us to the park.. we got there early so we got GREAT seats.. like right up front. Sonia and i took up as much space as the group of 7 adults near us. HAHA.. we had a huge mat. so we pulled out our food and stuff, i brought baked chicken (succeess!) soup, ONE roll of bread, popcorn and a tiramisu. HA. Sonia brought potato, japanese chicken, oranges, beer andsweets. and so we feasted. We had a delectable spread! It was brill.

HAHA.. funny thing happened. After a while, I decided to scratch my mosquito patch(yes scratch) and i realised that i was SITTING IN COFFEE!(Yes pasu.) HAHA.. apparently my cup of mocha spilt all over and i was just covered in coffee leg down..and i didnt even feel it! HAHA.. it was horrible.. like it took us forever to clear it.. and so i was sticky all night. I still don't even know how I was sitting in coffee.. haha.. Then.. i got pekkish during theshow during the show so we opened the can of carlsberg.. and despite sonia's warning not to spill it,. i dropped it. HAHAHA... SMART.. I had to slurp it up cos it got frosty. HAHA.. AND THEN.. during the break I got a can of coke.. and sonia toppled it. HAHAHAH.. We are NOT very picnic-oriented.

The show was brilliant. It wasn't as romantic as I thought it would be. And thank god. They really played up the comedy and i thought it was great.. perfect for a couple of friends getting together to relax and let loose. I recommand. AND I understood the language! YAY MACBETH! HAHA.. yeah... thank god i asked sonia to tell me the story befor hand of I probably would have been confused. But otherwise it was really quite good. haha. we were like super close to the action, which was happening all around. FUN.

OH YEAH! I forgot. Sonia got her braces off. She thinks she;s so damn cool now. But she forgets. I'm not obliged to listen to her anymore.

Today my tuition got cancelled so sonia p. and i went to town after ballet. I had to go over to her place first cos chands and her were not done baking their cake. then we took a cab to bugis and bought..nothing. HAHA.. then we went to wisma and ate at the food court cos we were getting hungry and cranky. We had this rather large portion of ice kachang and polished it off! And of course.. we spoke of the inevitable. Bleah. Then we walked over to Tangs and both got a pair of shades. I actually needed to get a bikini bottom but it was rather expensive so I guess not. OH! And I bought a lemon tart back. Mmmm... I think i'll eat it later. Yes. I am happy. I am


Braceless sonia and bespectacled me! I accidentally deleted a before shot so too bad.

Our foooooood. see the candle? chicken potato, tiramisu popcorn and soup. and bread.

The aftermath.

We were bored.

This is MY artsy photo..

THIS... is sonia's.

There were these much people!

My mum was taking forever to come so sonia;s parents made her stand and wait with me. AWW... and i thank you with this horrid photo of us.

And this is what i wore. Oh my. How am I gonna pack my room tomorrow?

Yeap.. oh wait! Before I forget...


HAHAHAHA.. Well actually it's tomorrow.. or is it the fifteenth?! HAHA.. Yes hello my signal fire (: HAHAHAHA... I have a hilarious gift in mind.. yes yes. I like love me too (:

Trust me it'd scare you,
If you knew what was going on in my brain.

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