Thursday, May 17, 2007

Beach Bitch

There's homework that I should be doing now. HA. Well.. you know.

DAMN. So it has been a rather horrid week. Of course there was the brilliant beach day on tuesday but things started spiralling downhill from there, no? mm.. I miss the stupid beach. I love sentosa. sigh. Let's see.. we started off with chem practicals. WOW. marking day HOLIDAY, I see mrs boo didnt get the memo. uh huh. it was horrid. Ethel is the ULTIMATE lab partner. she's brilliant man. Let's see.. instead of listening to important instructions, we discussed shoes! and everytime we threw an experiment away, we would realise we needed it for the next part. AND.. her reactions exploded..AND her test tube holder caught fire. brilliant. uh huh.

So sonia and I had this brilliant plan for leaving early and after we did.. we realised that we left something of relative importance behind. yup. we forgot cheong. HAHA.. hmm.. so we had to wait for her to get out so leaving early and lying was pretty useless. Cabbed all the way to vivo cos someone was feeling rich, and it wasn't me. yeah. We took a while to change actually cos sonia was being a moron and had a hole too big in her shirt. i wore my pretty shorts and a white top .. not the best idea. mm... anyway then we took the bus to sentosa and too a tram to the awesomely awesome beach. it was sooo super clean! AND it had stopped raining (: yay. it was fuunn.. i wore my white and black bikini, sonia wore her old one and cheong wore a shirt. surprise surprise. haha..

ANYWAY... we ate sonia's cake, cheong's potato salad and my chicken. HAHA.. it was good food.. after a while of frolicing in the water and attempted naps.. they dagged me off the beach. yes. OFF the beach. WHAT?! I can't understand. haha... we took the tram to oh yeah. the dragon trail. wow. it was erm,... interesting? HA. let's leave it at that. haha.. headed to underwater world to stare at the pretty (and freeeee) sting rays and turtles.. they were soooooooooooo preeeeeetttttttttttttttttyyyyy... i got a mosquito bite. ): After a while of mindless staring we left to Ben and Jerry's and talked and talked.. Moved over to the beach and sat on siloso (: questions questions questions. Before long it was the end of a gorgeous day and we headed out of sentosa.

At Vivo, sonia and i put some shorts on and walked around a little. Bumped into ethel and co. and later, jocks. wow. Everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, was eyeing us wearily cos we weren't exactly in our sunday's best. so much so that I wanted to wear a fucking sign over our heads that said "We just came from the beach, YOU fuck off." But alas, I settled with the usual eye-rolls and bitch faces. Saw Ivana on the train back. Haha.. kay that's random. Sonia and I had a long quiet ride home.

TODAY. chew and I lunched at Gelare at siglap. mm.. waffles (: We talked and revealed and solved and frowned and raised-eyebrows and laughed and squealed and argued and ate. And now I'm feeling better actually. hmm.. The wonders of a waffle, an apple crumble and fond memories.

Oops. I'm starting to seriously abhor chinese.

So who wants to see pictures? (:

Eee-yeerrr. It's sooooonniaa in her aviators and me in my boring white pair.

HAHA.. cheong in my new brown pair of shades and her towel which is. orange. Actually this is a pretty good picture.

OH! hi?

There was a lot of this all day. haha

HAHAHA.. you look stoops (:

The tram takes like FOREVER to come..... DADDY?!

Dragged through the dragon trail for this. uh huh.

And ended the day..with this.

I've got tonnes more but I'm so superly duperly lazy now lah. Aw too bad :) HAHA.. I can't believe I have homework to doooo.. and sooo muuuuccccchhhhh... fuck la. oh! We're getting our results tomorrow. oh yeah.. this is turning out to be a great week.

Hmm.. I miss drama.

If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream

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