Friday, May 25, 2007

Withdrawal Syndromes

Hey there.

Mmm.. I just finished reading Message in a bottle. Hmm.. It was kinda boring at first but it steadily got more appealing and enticing.. slowly..very slowly.. yeah.. It was okay.

Yestarday was an odd day. We finished the last day of chinese drills.. and although I was elated, I now realise that.. I'm on my own from here on in.. That's really scary.. I mean sure I have tuition but.. it stil boils down to me and my dilligence, or lack of it should i say..

Hmm.. then we had classroom cleaning, which was virtually useless so after an odd game of stress and getting sticky in the humidity of the stuffy classroom, I sat at the doorway next to the sleeping cheong and read the book whilst enjoying the brilliant breeze. Then off to the hall where we once again had to endure the heat an stuffiness of about 400 people breathing the same air. Uh huh.

Met Pau and Sonia at around 4.30 for dinner at Thai Express so we didn't need to go for supper. Then off to DBS Arts Centre to catch Macbeth, not before the ever-careless pau broke her shoe. Waited for her mom to come by before taking a cab to the place. We were rather late and the place was kinda small. Hmm.. Macbeth was... kinda really boring. Yeah.. disappointing, I thought it would have really enticed me, but I guesss not. Someone fell asleep (: and some other idiots were speaking in geography. In fact, at some point through the play, I found myself trying to get the candle flame on stage to jump a la cheong, instead of listening to what was going on. Oops(:

After the ordeal, we headed to starbucks for supper.. haha,. yeah so much for the dinner thing.. Sat around and ate, pau and sonia had coffee while I had tea.. Uh huh. Hung around a while before heading off to our respective homes.. haha.. Yeah it was quite a fun day. I wish I could have enjoyed it more instead of finding myself thinking of other things.. Bleah. Heh... But yeah. It was fun! We were just being the morons we were.. no surprise.. haha

Hmm.. so that was my day. Today was horrid. The weather was killer. In fact, I just got off the phone with sonia p. We had like a 50 minute conversation and I can barely recall a single thing because I was just so agitated by the shear humidity of the air in Singapore. I'll pout if i want to! *pouts* Haha.. But really, Sonia.. I was so not listening to you go on and on about poly and stuff.. OOPS(: I think you could tell that i was kinda distant right? Sorry la.. I was just.. hot. yeaps.. haha

There are so many things that i want to say..but I don't think I will.. I'm so tired. And hot. And.. confused..

Oh what I wouldn't do for a nice tall glass of coffee..

..I mean tea .

I want to walk with you on a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come?

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