Monday, October 22, 2012

a fail to kiss is a fail to cope

For some reason, I feel that are things beginning to unravel in my mind. I fear that I may be going crazy again. Pockets of paranoia sneak up on me at unexpected times about every little thing: a stranger, things that could have been, things that maybe were. You and I both know that people are nothing short of disappointments. As are you. As am I. That's just how life is. Yet ironically, nothing is quite as bothersome as the feeling of being left out by said group of people. These things are too much to bear. I guess you can say I've never regretted doing anything more than if I didn't. Nope, that's really not true at all. Right now, I feel caved under a deadweight. Did that make sense? Could simply be me being absolutely drained from todays paper (motherfucking austerity). Or it could be that the darkness has begun again. Suddenly, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with myself anymore. It's almost as if I've forgotten what it truly means to live, to love and to be loved.

Hold me close
cos I need you to guide me to safety

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