Thursday, July 21, 2011

who are you to make me feel so good?

As you can see, it truly has been a string of lovely days. On one hand, I really do need to learn to be a better person because my luck seems to be running out, ever since that backfired on me (get it get it). Definitely my own mistake (I'm just roaming around like a lost... well.) but it bruised my ego more than anything. Still, I'm having a really nice time really between the girls and the boy. Except for the frustration but I've really got to learn self-control anyway. Speaking of which, fuck you you're the heartless one. Tsk. This week saw a lot of reminiscing about the past, my own to be exact. Well, actually ours, ironically. I am a pervy old man. ): I realized that I am endlessly fascinated by relationships, albeit really quite faithless. Circle of life and all that. I see it happening simply because 1) these things always happen to me 2) it's too ironic for it not to happen. Well. I guess only time will tell. Anyway, back to other disappointments. I know it's none of my business but it really made me so sad just to hear it. I never thought you were capable of that, the same way I truly did believe I wasn't capable of it myself. Which then makes me question other people's capabilities to do so. And watching Closer didn't really help. I've always been fascinated by how attraction works and why people are attracted to others. The way I was so attracted to you the moment I laid eyes on you. I wonder what it is; I hate to admit this but to me you really are quite magnetic. Fate, I guess. How corny is that. Though it seems barely enough at the moment, I worry about when I finally lose it. But for now, yeah?

Who am I to say I'm always yours?

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