Monday, July 11, 2011

The Con

Well. That was some kind of hysterical scare. Not cool, bro. Even more uncool, lover. But that's all just a suspicion now right? This would be the ultimate karma comes back around and all that bullshit. Fuck my life. Nevermind that I'll be hysterical enough as it is if it were something more normal. Ugh x152839204. "Nothing good could've come from it". Sometimes I wonder why the fuck I think I'm so fucking invincible. And what makes me think I'm so fucking untouchable. Because clearly, I am not. I'm going to have to pay my dues for all the goodwill I have gotten in my life because I don't live like I deserve it. I guess for it to come after such a stressful week spent reflecting on my fucked up life is only fair. Fucking ironic that it was the one weekend I neither drank nor club. Jesus imagine what would've happened if I did. God. This is so fucked up. What if + so do I let you in? Fuck. I know you think you're not my boytoy but... I can bet you will run. How fucking sad is it that I have absolutely no faith in you, especially after what I've been though *awkward turtle fortnight. Well. I'm at my wits ends, festering in my disease and my moral dilemma. I need to stop being such a fucking baby.

Fast as you can baby,
scratch me out,
free yourself

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