Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You're such a flirt

First of all, the hair issues will never end. Now, I am really never cutting my hair again ):< Seems that repercussions are starting to sink in. Aaah I probably should've seen it coming. Well, I did. (this seems familliar?) I know it's just the lack of attention, the fact that my hair is now in an even worse shape than before and well, me being hormonal. Roar. Also, I know that it isn't even a feasible thought but I still find myself toying with the notion. Life. After all, I'm really just a girl. At least you're much more polite I guess. Or maybe, much more scheming. I must really be losing my head. Just the down after the high I hope. Though I am starting to see the dead end to this lifestyle. Not a lot of potential for anything. And I'm sure it'll be difficult to give up. I hate being part of this, especially because I've always mocked it. And now I might just be the worst one yet. Hurhur. Irony of life. I am being a crazy bipolar bitch right now. One second I am relishing the freedom and the next, I am looking too far ahead. Stupid hormones. Everybody seems to be much more scheming than they seem. I just need to get it out of my system.

and you know I can't resist it

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