Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God, it was strange to see you again

Nowadays, I find that I get too affected by things too easily. I am on this space because I am procrastinating writing my articles and I am starting to think that typing in a faceless box to be published on a meaningless blog is a lot healthier than actually talking to people. Some people anyway. Whatever it is that you people have, it's poisonous and infectious. I know I was a lot better off not knowing and being ignorant about your frivolous talk but as they say, curiosity killed the pussy cat. Ugh. And yes, I am so vain and disgustingly egoistic that I am going to assume that it's the damage I have left behind (reason #304365 I am single). Lol. Strangely enough, I no longer feel guilt or remorse. In fact, I don't even feel pity, and I mean the bitchy kind I indulge in. I actually feel like I just want to smack you and tell you to man the fuck up (no, you need not accept my awesomeness) but in the words of our favorite fatty: "what to do?" None of my business anyway but I guess... it's a soft spot?? My god, I have feelings after all!!! No. But really, I don't seem to feel the guilt and remorse that I have carried around for years now. Am I finally liberated from the repercussions of my shame? I'm not sure I deserve it but I don't want to feel chained down by your monster for the rest of my life. You have clearly moved on and I don't see why I can't move on from the monsters you have left in my head. So... I guess that's that. For now anyway. But back to my point of the hazards of sharing. Situations like this make me realize that I am actually more content with keeping to myself these days. I suspect though, that karma has a lot to do with it. Or just simply, bad company.

Tried to reach deep
but you couldn't get it

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