Saturday, April 16, 2011

the end of an era

Seems to be causing quite a stir. I understand that I have a bad attitude towards these things. I seem to have more liberal views on such issues and therefore, drama ensues. I should really learn to keep to myself. Often, I wonder if the other side has to deal with these repercussions as well because, it can't possibly just be me. Three strikes. A terrible hangover, a few confrontations and a lot of stunned moments. Strangely enough, the biggest moment stemmed from the smallest deal. The look on your face; dumbfounded and almost disappointed. Like you'd just made a terrible realization. I am probably over thinking though. Strangely enough, I had just begun to stop thinking about the past. I must be reading too much into it. Oh, if only. Life. But back to the topic at hand, sometimes full disclosure is what starts the fire. Also, I realized that I have gotten too reliant on other people's opinions. I've only recently realized how much I am judged these days. I am not so blinded to think that fuck, this is the life. I am however just making the best of what I've got, which in case you don't realize, isn't that much these days. So I guess that's that. I know I have a warped perception of what is a big deal and what not but it seems to be a perennial debate. I guess it really boils down to taking things one day at a time.

I could stick around a little longer with you,
It doesn’t really mean that i’m into you

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