Monday, July 20, 2009

No one understands me like you do

Somewhere in there, I know full well. Here's the truth, I have never really been the daft one. It is a long stretch to say that I am a realist, seeing that my life would have turned out a lot simpler and quite frankly incredibly boring. However, I have also never been much of a dreamer. Always been the cynical one, watching from this pedestal I mount myself on and passing unfair judgement. Yes, I am neither wildly attractive nor the most pleasant to be around, I have never been ashamed to admit. Ironically, I am both supremely arrogant and semi self-conscious. To say one never needs is the biggest lie that one can ever convince themselves to believe. To say that I am somehow superior to everyone else is yet another lie. I too need, as much as I am too disgustingly proud to admit. I too lose; sight, games, life. It's inevitable that I too end up in situations where I find myself up against forces I know I cannot beat. Feelings are our number one weaknesses. Insecurities are stemmed from truth. Time is a losing game. Understanding is so easily fucking overstated. I feel like I have lost myself.

Images of broken light

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