Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Me and my head high

So in the past two days things actually came to a point where I thought that I might actually seriously die. Blazing through the night as I was neglected for the millionth time trying to bring attention to the fever I myself neglected for days. Karma sucks. But well, no school for a week! Hurr. Oh poor little rich girl. If I don't get this trip to my congested city paradise, I am going to throw the biggest fit in the world. Yeah somebody shoot this girl. Hurr. Long-lasting tiffs and spats encouraged by parental guidance and long lost dreams lead to deadly friendly competition. Sadly I must admit that a lot of the stupid things I do are triggered by alcohol and then fueled by this inferiority complex I cannot shake, even in my dreams. Pfft. I am fucking sour. I blame my mother, I really do. What scares me more is that in the last week I feel like I have lost more than I should have, which has resulted in me not being lost at all. The more I lose myself, the less lost I am. The more I lose myself, the more I lose around me. The more I lose myself, the more I will eventually lose. Whatever it is, I pretty much lose.

I guess you better go get your amour

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