Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blame a new love for an old love

So I am left to wonder if the universe just fucking hates me as it hurls incredibly exasperating and absolutely fucking eccentric forms of mishap and tribulation my fucking way. It is taunting and punishing me for every single sin I have sinned in the past eighteen years I can bet. It's almost amusing that the thing that is fucking irritating me the most right now is the fact that I have not been able to upload photos on blogger for some reason. *ANGST. Let's not fucking forget the epic adventure in search for a (late) piercer to stick a fucking needle in me so I am less angst at the damn world. Changz, tea and Red Bull later, we are left even more omfg at our lives when our insanely tiring search is futile. Giving up. The drama that unfolds the next day is even more fucking traumatic and now I am questioning my entire sense of worth. Morals and principles were never my forte but I never foresaw myself down this unsafe and rocky road. Everything always happens at breakneck speed; too fast to catch, too good to stop. Pleasures versus measures. And then, for mere entertainment for the universe, today I am poisonous. You know what? I don't care anymore; you fucking win.

I'm always up late,
I think I'm everything you hate.

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