Sunday, July 19, 2009

I say don't run from yourself

To say this week was a heck of a joy ride is such an understatement. Illness has allowed me space from school and left me suffocated at home and everywhere else. Yes that is me K.O.ed on a couch. Emotions run out of line and out of context too many times as I struggle to empathize. And for once, I am actually fucking impressed. Ah change is not my friend. There is never anything to do or say anymore. Except maybe that money thrown around really isn't everything. I am such a walking contradiction. Stony silence. So as true escapees, it eventually leads to an eccentric ride of eclectic emotions. Erroneous elation versus echoing emptiness. Irritating. Hahaha. I tricked you. God I am so witty. Heehee. Fuck you BMR and other miscellaneous things slash gut feelings slash relationships that bring me down down down. Maybe we should just stop running cos time always catches up. I feel like I am in such a rut. Well, back to school.

You can't take back what you've done

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