Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sends you gently for the fall

Deadlines and canned coffee bring nothing but absolute stress. Jumpy and exhausted, the past week was spent worrying worrying worrying about every little detail going into fucking ten percent. Yes, school has indeed become the world around which the axis called life rotates. In some sick way it actually makes me feel.. productive? Hurhur. I'm slowly burning out and it's only the beginning. Yet through some weird bipolar forces, the life that is rotating around my world is becoming.. bleagh. Everything feels gray and dreary, almost as if a holocaust is slowly emerging and we're just.. waiting, unruffled. Sigh. These gravitational forces seem to be pulling people nearer but they can only reach so far. Shiny gray and familiarity; closer closer closer burning closer. Told you I'd fuck up. For the first time I am pleading for someone to save me before it explodes inside me.

It's always morning in my mind

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