Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've just seen a face

This is the best shit in the world (And of course I was talking about the DVD) Hee. This week could not have gotten any more tolling and taxing in every possible way. Serious emotional K.O. You know life is sad when one achieves nirvana from buying a DVD. Hawhawhaw. Sigh. The build up up up for the biggest blow out in forever. Forced smiles and conversations, bitten tongues and surly faces, loose lips and hidden intentions. Blue nails and orange pus. Ah.. life. Hurhur. It's like a cyst completely unwanted but attached to the skin; growing, thriving, evolving. Getting more and more toxic and dangerous by the day through neglect and hot-headedness. An explosion seemed to be in order as my sanity was pushed to the absolute brink. The calm after the storm or well hopefully actually fixed and mended to the best of our abilities, now.. or Amsterdam Across the Universe. Hee. Yes I do somehow feel much much better now.

Stick around, and it may show,
But I don't know, I don't know.

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