Thursday, May 28, 2009

And tomorrow I'll miss you

So it had been longer than I thought. Last weekend has acted as a trigger to everything good and bad. Territorial lines in the east and between friends, respectively. Thanks for the show, it really just made you the bigger person. *scowl. And on the completely other hand, thanks for the sincerity and everything you've made me. And for being the only one who says I haven't changed. You are truly the bigger person here and I guess I really did love you in more ways than one. Last weekend also found me finding myself far away on an island of my own, emotionally isolated and drifting farther into voluntary desolation. For the first time, the moment I stepped back into reality everything just melted into place. Odd, but I'm not complaining. I'm glad we chose to stick it out. Poison gushing out, releasing me of agony and distress. Oh and BYE BYE METAL): Madness sadness.. I will revisit you soon! The only downer is that I somehow can't draw the line between independency and abandonment. Oh and the fact that I am yet again incredibly sick):

Because the wind is high,
It blows my mind

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