Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My first (real) mistake

For once I have no explanation or excuses and I doubt I will come up with any. First of many I am sad to say. And whilst I am definitely apprehensive, I am also strangely tantalized by this world I have magically unlocked for myself. Regret slowly leaves me (for now), like blood seeping through an open wound. The title I seem to have.. misplaced is ugly and accusing anyway. The only thing plaguing me is time, or lack of it. Its condescending face taunting me, making me feel small and cheap. Well, life isn't perfect I suppose. Other than that, familiar thoughts and memories are rampant in my mind these days and I find an unexplainable comfort in that. It is what it is and I'd be more than happy to go back, though it isn't possible. The same yet different in the best way I could have asked for. Now now now. Sometimes I actually tend to forget, which is odd cos it was once all I knew. Aaah life. This week's off on a good start and I'm hoping it sees me through.

It's always gonna come right back to this.

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