Thursday, November 27, 2008

You will be better off alone at night

In the span of the last week, I have gotten high all about..three times. Now that, that is bad, especially since it's assignment week. Sometimes I wonder what (or who) the fuck happened, seriously. Cos really it's not very friendly and my quickly emptying wallet will prove that. This Friday, all I want to do is hang out with Din, get some yogurt and do nothing in particular as far from Clark Quay as possible. Mid-sem tests are in a little less than two weeks and I didn't even know until yesterday. Speaking of which I can't believe I spent all my pay as soon as I got it. Oh and if I have to witness (or more like stare at) one more Beng fight, I think I might consider getting in the middle and get kicked in the face like the poor lian girlfriend. Hahaha this isn't funny at all. Sigh. School is important and I know that, it's just.. well I'm running out of excuses for myself. I guess it's finally time to prioritize and make a choice. Dammit. I'm perfectly okay really, I'm just tired.. and feeling somewhat nostalgic.

There is no message we're receiving.
Let me know, is your heart still beating?

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