Thursday, November 20, 2008

Girl I loved you, with her that was lust

I feel like school is draining me and yet I never feel the accomplishment we all work towards. I am so fucking exhausted from everything and yet I know that it really is nothing compared to what other people have to go through. Maybe I'm just being a whimp or maybe I'm just not in the whole mood of ploughing through assignments after assignments, especially since I doubt I'd be satisfied with whatever I manage to salvage. Joy. Pure motherfucking joy. And despite everything I know I have to do it, but just plain being in school is sucking the life out of me let alone being out most of the time. I'm so fucking exhausted and just plain sick of everything. Plus I feel so insanely whiney all the time. SIGH. On the bright side I'm glad you and you are back in my life. And I finally got the damn extensions out of my hair (Yes before they fuh-reaking turned yellow!) Oh and yellow boys can go be yellow somewhere far away from me, please and thank you(: 

But you're just a boy,
You don't understand.

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