Sunday, November 9, 2008

You have a problem with the truth

You say I waste my life here like it's a bad thing!

Self-proclaimed long weekend. Friday at siglap whilst the night was spent with my mother bringing my older sibling and I out to Brewerkz because she thought we had never been to a pub before. *snickers. That woman has so much to learn. But of course plans like that backfire when you're around free drinks, a designated driver and someone who is incapable of ingesting anything without a smoke. Idiots. So sod that it was the first time I've stopped when I should have, I was tasked to polish everything off. Joy. Tea, I'm sure I prefer coffee. Anywho, met the Chew today and borrowed an awesome dress I'm not sure I have the balls to wear out! Haha props to you bitch! Heh. Guess I should be starting work tomorrow. Sigh. Home feels like such foreign territory nowadays, I don't spend enough time in it anymore. Funny that I usually feel it's suffocating me. Lately I feel like I have no sense of prospect whatsoever. Ballet's such a fucking chore, school is the last thing on my mind and I always feel so distant from everything and everyone. It's like I don't even know what I'm working towards, what I drag myself out of bed for. And hey, just to make it easier to get by, no one ever shuts up anymore. Ever. Nothing is closing, why the fuck is nothing closing? And if you're about to raise your eyebrows at this space and question condescendingly why the fuck it is that I put myself through my repetitive emotional rampages once again, don't bother cos I don't have the answer either.

Take me home,
Because this happens every time,
I knew it would.

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