Saturday, November 1, 2008

I just woke up from a fuzzy dream

Be careful what you wish for

Again a perfect example of change every second of everyday. Despite the spite and bitterness once radiating from me, I am now feeling rather content. Maybe it's because I have properly placed the blame of the entire situation and pinpointed exactly what it was that was really getting to me. And that would be my own short-comings in terms of security and self-assurance. So with that nicely dealt with, the rejects party began! Or well maybe it was just me. Hahaha. Drinks coupled with the hot spot, indulging by the bay, then a very oily dinner at maybe one in the morning, which soon saw the outside of me once again. Force puking half-digested char kway teow in a random bush is.. an experience to say the least! hahaha. Gross. Well it straightened me up a tad, napped a bit and philosophical conversation followed, resulting in none of us looking at triangles and pointy objects the same ever again! Hahaha. Rain began to descend so we bounced to Penin's Seven Eleven seeing as I hurled out both dinners-.- City Hall may never be the same and it has given me more reasons to hate (and love) it so much more. Bound to happen. Bright side bright side, this might just be camera weekend!  

And you, and you, and you,
You're gonna love me,

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