Saturday, November 15, 2008

I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl

In the midst of being overwhelmed by unfinished work, I actually had a rather fantastic week. Plus minus an unfortunate event or two, technology hates me. Monday saw the above fashion shoot only available from skipping class, or convincing Am to anyway. Ha. Cut up a perfectly fine shirt on Wednesday, and destroyed other perfectly fine things. Sigh): Seafood on Thursday in celebration of my father's birthday. Siglap followed by East Coast with the girls on Friday then a spontaneous trip to the Chew's poolside late in the night accompanied by beer and well, Chew. Haha. Somehow I feel strangely calm, like things might just be looking up. Or maybe things have always been good, I've just been too absorbed in my own misery to see. Or maybe I stopped pmsing so I'm just less cranky. Hahaha that probably sounds the most accurate. I'm glad though that things are back to normal. I know I'm gonna have to face it sometime and that I can't run forever, but I'll try my best to avoid it now. The year is ending. Oh dear.

Cos I got time while she got freedom
When a heart breaks,
It don't break even.

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