Sunday, May 4, 2008

So what do you want from me?

Here we go again.

All these stupid emotions are clogging up my blog. So yes, in the midst of all that feeling (or should I say showing how I feel, thinking about how to feel and knowing how I should feel) I have failed to realise that there is a growing pile of projects that have collected right below my pretty little nose. And I know I should not be letting anything distract me from my school work so I will shove it all aside and concentrate on the five different subjects that I take. Well it's not much to shove now anyway, I guess things are clearing up on that front. The foundation is still a little shakey but at least I've found something to hold onto. We'lll just see how that works out then.

On the other hand, my parents are starting to incredibly annoy me with their retarded curfews and obvious suspicion. Pfffft. Story of my fucking life. I absolutely detest being compared to my brother but does it stop them? No, of course not. So here I am worrying about my school work and there they are thinking that I'm smoking up a storm and out with boys all day. HA, far from it. Wait till they figure out what it is that I'm actually up to(: HAHAHA. Oh well, that's what they get for trying to wrangle me under their grasp despite knowing full well that I am capable of being a responsible person without them. And now their constant watch over me has led me to rather rebellious endeavors which I probably wouldn't have fallen into if it weren't for their retardedness. This is truly what you call irony.

Gosh, I am filled with so much teen angst it's amusing.

The little things, you do to me are
Taking me over, i wanna show ya
Everything inside of me
Like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating
My feet are stuck here, against the pavement
I wanna break free, i wanna make it

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