Thursday, May 22, 2008

Because Simei just doesn't cut it anymore

And time makes it harder

I need to get my priorities right, straighten out my thoughts. Because I know I can handle this, cope with everything all at once. I just need to locate the handholds and grab on firmly, hold on so tight my knuckles turn white. Metaphorically of course. And I am truly sorry if I have neglected any one of you in the past week. I don't ever want y'all to feel like I'm only with you when I need something, because I have missed each and everyone of you terribly. And if I ever change like that, I want you to smack me up the side of my head and knock some sense into me. Not that I regret it though, cos it was fun, it was what I always wanted it to be and it taught me good. But it wasn't realistic. It's never that easy.

When someone said count your blessings now, 
Before they're long gone.
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong.
They knew better,
Still you said forever.

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