Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So convinced and just too cool

I adore Sentosa. I guess the third time's the charm(:

So hold that thought and scrap that last post. Entirely. For once, I'm glad as hell I was wrong. Well, for now anyway. I'm glad you didn't break me, turn right around and shoot me down like I normally would. Because I like this, no matter what anyone says. I like this feeling, these thoughts, these emotions. Maybe I'm just still riding on the high. But I've never meant it more than I do now. And if I should be so bold, I am happy.

We'll see how long that lasts alright. One day at a time baby, that's the only way to go. Okay so maybe that doesn't apply to schoolwork. No, not at all. Cos I'm dying here, I really am. Whichever fucker said that poly was slack seriously odd to be fucking shot. Because these assignments and tests and projects and due dates are crashing down on me.... Okay fine. I lied. It's handle-able actually, especially if you compare it to JC, but I guess I just wasn't ready for everything to be dumped onto me like that.

Oh and I think I hate lions now.

If someone said three years from now,
You'd be long gone.
I'd stand up and punch them out,
Cos they're all wrong.
I know better,
Cos you said forever.

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