Thursday, February 7, 2008

That's what you get when you let your heart win

Guess what? I am sick! It's Christmas all over again! Except instead of it just being a one-off puke-athon, it is very pleasantly a prolonged event. Yes, CNY is worse when you have to endure a fever. Damn I hope I don't start a tradition.

So, Life has been pretty mundane, struggling to maintain a social life while coping with school and other frivolous emotional matters. Well, I've definately been better. And it's gonna get so much harder when actual school begins. Fuck it. What happened to sleeping in, shopping days, movie dates and late nights at Starbucks? What happened to hour after hour talking on the phone, random messages, or even chatting online? What happened to lounging around over coffee having heart-to-heart talks with my girlfriends? What happened to "What are you doing today? Let's go out"? Time.

On the supposedly brighter side, Valentine's Day is coming. Uh oh.

Keep me safe inside your arms like towers,

Tower over me, yeah.

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