Monday, February 18, 2008

I love you at 6 am in the morning

I really needed to get that off my chest.

None of us need to even try anymore cos Buu's party was definitely the party of the year. HAHA(: Saturday was awesome! I loved the over-the-top decorations, the vogue theme and all that jazz. That's the only way to go Buu(: Haha. Well yeah, we all gathered on Saturday at the house of Buus to celebrate the birthdays of Guni, Kavina and Boobs. Heh. What a night. The waiters whom we thought were cute totally destroyed Gasolina for all of us. Yes yes, bad taste, I know(: HAHAHA. We partied and ate and danced the night away. Which by the way, no. The dancing was just..NO. I, no I can't handle..NO.

Moving right along, morning broke and the syncronised dancing began! HAHA. Kavina is hot shit. Din is hot shitter(: Then of course there was Harms, who broke a whole line of girls' heart.s HAHAHa(: Din got really mad and I love her so damn much for it(: Other then that, the morning was pretty much failure. Yes I was annoyed, and no I was not okay. Yes I died. No I didn't know why. Yes there was redemtion. No it wasn't enough. Yes, I brought it up. No, I just..don't. Yes, I am so much better now.

I think way too much.

My coffee is hotter than yours.

No harms, YOU stay outta MY way(:

You fucking jigglypuff! I throw agar at you! HAHAHAHHA(:
That's not vogue Pau(:

Din, you look like a fish.

Buu you sexy motherfucker.

That's what you get when you let your heart win,

I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating

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