Friday, August 17, 2007

Laughter in the rain

See what happens when I have even a bit of coffee?

For once, I can say that it hasn't been a bad week. No, not that bad at all. If you're surprised that I can even recall what happened, I'll tell you a little secret...*leans in.... I wrote it down.. SHHHH.. HAHAHAH..

If you need proof of my muddle-headedness (the result of being incredibly drained), today in the hall for the chinese thing, Cheong and I were having an arguement on whether she signed up for retaking chinese or not. I mean, I swore I saw her write a big huge NO on the form and she remembered signing yes. And her, being the moron that she is, soon got swayed by my adament stand and became unsure of herself. HA. So we went to see my lovely chinese teacher who was talking to someone else.. so we waited...and waited...and waited.. til we finally got our turn.... and it was a Yes. HAHAHA.. OOPS(: Hahaha..

...right so what was I saying? Oh right. Good week. Monday was awesome. Well.. hmm.. Chinese results and all right. No I didn't do well. My effort to avoid the Heng went down the drain. Er.. actually for my standard it's ok, but judging from everyone else's pretty grades, it wasn't that great. Anywho, I recieved some pretty awesome news that brightened my day and made me adament not to let anything else destroy my day, not even another generally more violent row. Plus, it was Starbucks with the honeys.. what's there not to love?... ME? IRRESPONSIBLE?! HA. They're just sour they can't have me(:

Tuesday was not as pretty. Reality had sunken in. Oh and there was also O level orals, which went decidedly...BAD. In fact, I dont even want to think about how I spoke of bowel movements. Uh huh. Hmm.. Wednesday was... Out studying again. oooh! The list(: Thursday was out with the Chan and the Bush, who thought it was funny that they walked away from me and towards the evil that is Macs. I was slighty annoyed but it was all in jest i guess(: Oh wait, I forgot about the history game thing, where Audrey and Anne tried to fool the Loke with some dumbass game Isabel fell for twice, consecutively. It was bloody hilarious. Hitler Stalin Hitler Stalin. And my personal favourite, Methane Methene Methane Methene. HAHAHAHA(:

Damn. I spent a lot of money this week cos of all the cabbing.

Hmm.. Today was a funny/bad/lovely day. It was horribly demoralising yet strangely enjoyable. It was like a slap in the face, again and again. First, It was PE, where we were forced to actively participate in a ball game. I almost got killed by many flying balls. And despite the entertainment of watching frisbee guy fall(er, I have two balls), I was upset cos my hair had beun to fall. Then, I lost the weather game(and six cents) to Weelyn who, for once, guessed correct. It rained. AND AND AND, A maths Mocks. OH MY GOD. I.. just.. RAHR. Then, on the way back from the chinese teacher, Cheong and I played in the rain, kinda. Hahaha... That killed my already dying hair, but it was fun(: Then, we got back Maths, which was...not great. I was really upset cos I was really careless, as usual. Sigh. BUT, Pau did the funniest thing and added herself to Sonia's hilarious 'You're-going-down list', which was flipping hilarious, esp when I accidentally said kinda loudly that she had written over selected ****s. OOOOO, I wonder whooo:D HAHAHA...Oh, during Bio, the five of us were reduced to sitting on the floor and doing our chem mock exams, which we helped each other with(Ha). And of course, the current pride of 4.6, the lovely board that the A maths dropouts had so painstakenly done up, complete with great inside jokes like catch me, ella ella eh eh, it's hot hot, hitler stalin, just to name a few. Go see it, it's fabulous(: Great job guys :D

Hahaha.. actually typing it out makes me realise that my day might not have been that bad at all(: And even though I complain all the damn time about every little itty bitty detail, I'm gonna miss the lovely days like this(: The way we joke about in class, the random things that we do, the people that we love, the people that we don't love, the littlest of things that make me laugh and smile. And days like this make me rethink my outlook. I mean, maybe not everyone's out to get you. Maybe not everyone's that competitive and have hidden intention(some do of course) ..but maybe it isn't everyone. Perhaps I just have an overly-cryptic veiw on life. Hmmm..Gotta love these days yeah?(:

Oh me oh my. Look at the time. I have to go get ready for two parties tonight, both of which are running concurringly.I don;t think that's a word. HMM(: I am being social.

Too social.

And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

I know you can, love(:

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