Sunday, August 26, 2012

we both know

I should just give up on this constant conflict. I wanna do what I want but I want everything. It's the same dilemma every time, really. Perhaps the worst part is I also want things to be done my way. I want to hear what I wanna hear but I also wanna feel like you want to say them to me. #psychogirl. Given up trying to understand his actions. Or more accurately, lack of. He wants things on a silver platter. I want him to follow me around. He wants me to be shut my wandering eyes. I want him to be alone. He does what's easy for him. I ignore him. What's the point of this constant battling of egos? In case you don't realize, Life fucking goes on. I really wonder where these boys get off thinking that it doesn't. Shit like that makes me reconsider my belief in the One since it's thrown around so liberally these days. Although nothing really beats the previous time I was called the One.. by "the One". Hurhur. Oh and the unfortunate one before that. It may be me being egoistic (read: bitter) as fuck but I really wonder if she's just a replacement, the signs really seem to point in that direction... omg #psychoexgf. But back to my original angst: This reminds me of the time we were conflicted between A and B when one blatantly decided that if we didn't choose A we wouldn't have either. A valid decision until one realizes there's no point giving up B because it doesn't make a difference. You won't be getting what you want either way so you might as well have B at the very least. (This makes sense to me and that's good enough) Basically what I'm saying is that one should accept when they're at a standstill and learn to take what they can get. Unless of course there's the possibility that one doesn't actually desire either A or B, in which case then please back the fuck up cos there can only be one psycho person at each time and clearly, I've already got that shit covered.

you hate the fact that you bought the dream
and they sold you one

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