Sunday, September 4, 2011


I am too afraid to admit that I am content with what I have at the moment. And such a shame, that I could never tell you the way I truly feel. Just cynical words and ambiguous answers. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt because I want to believe you. Who wouldn't? "Are you falling in love?" Somehow it managed to come out a lot less conceited and a lot more.. vulnerable. I know I shouldn't have threatened you like that but I was just being frank. I know I can be great fun but I can also be a self-important prissy princess. And it's ridiculously unattractive but it is who I is yo. It is true, I still hide a lot of me and my emotions from you but I am getting so much more comfortable with you. I can tell. Today's incredibly long day felt.. nice. For one, I like going out with someone who has pants on. And YSL pants no less (lol). Still a million things that make me roll my eyes though like spilling water all over me. klutz. H&M opening = no longer have any reason to live. Job on Monday = surprisingly mellow about it. But back to the more important point of me being self-important (see), I just don't want you to let me down. Again. And on such a grand scale. It has to be the last straw because 1) I don't want to be pushed around by your empty words 2) I will never be able to take you seriously 3) I can barely afford this as it is without it at least being worth it -.- Total game changer.

I want to tell you how much I love you

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