Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh boy you're only a child

Oh how things have changed. Am I the delusional one? I mean, I feel it but there's always the possibility that I myself am too conceited to see the truth either. I know I need to be buttered up and I wonder if I really am just one to be hunted. I can feel it though and it worries me a little. It's like dude, come on dude, be cool. LOL. Let's face it, it still has that essential element of danger. And it still excites me because to be honest, it's still quite a mystery. Elusive, you say. Yet another too lovely night except for sure, I wasn't bringing my a game. Let's hope that it isn't too late. Other than that, I can almost say it was too comfortable. Drenched in affection. Sigh. Well. Life. Anyway. This girl. I can't deny that you drive me crazy, in all sense of the word. It's fucking painful to think of what the years have done to us. How could you be so heartless? It doesn't anger me so much as it really hurts and I never say that. Because out of all of them, I was the best to you. Well. Such is life, I reckon. And on a less personal note, I can't believe we're still on this. Honestly, I can't believe you when you say it's me. To me, it's a convenient (albeit rather convincing) excuse. This seems to have exploded so much I'm like confused about what the issue was in the first place. But who am I to say, right? Hmm but back to this circle of life thing. It really isn't okay for me to not be able to commit to simple things.. and yet past what is supposed to be the greatest form of intimacy. Because it is. Seems like just a matter of time.

and you kissed me like you meant it

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