Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Turn up the lights in here baby

Really random but I still can't get over this photo. Those four words stuck in my mind, I wonder why you said that and what I missed. Anyway. Life has been whirling around me as I 1) begin a temporary job and 2) watch my future dissolve around me. Or well, move away from me? Seems that prospects on this tiny island are getting more and more bleak. So, it's back to the drawing board with well, a world map. Hurhur. Sometimes, I just think my parents need to make up their mind on what they want instead of advocating a million things and then changing their minds. Loopholes aren't real unless you actually pull it off. Just saying. Sigh. On a less important note, this picture. Maybe it's just my penchant for the underdog, the less fortunate one, which leads me to crazies. Hurhur. Sometimes I actually worry about it, not so much in a caring way but in a what-has-become-of-humanity-slash-where-do-I-meet-these-weirdos way. Hawhawhaw. This is why it's important to have pride. But then again, at least someone is writing about you whilst I am merely one of your forgotten. Hmm. On a less important note, sorting out my future made me wish we were friends or at least on pleasant terms because I am quite lost. Though I suspect that it's just the lack of attention. Hurhur. Especially since I am now perpetually hounded by my own physical shortcomings. I am starting to see a pattern.. no?

the day we met was like a hit and run

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