The beach getaway. The most dangerous trip I have ever made across the border. Someone ought to be shot for that, really. Fumbling around numb as hell (though I must admit, I do impress myself when in such situations). Life. Pleasant, comfortable girly time - a good break from the constant worry of school and the future. And came home to a decent job with a less-than-stellar pay, but it'll do for now. Things are moving forward quickly, as it should. If only I could say the same for you, cos you my dear seem to be stuck in the same place I left you like 5 months ago. It's time you grow up, get up and go. I worry about you, I honestly do. It's just that the way you talk to me and the things you do make me want to punch you in the face. And I can't hold your hand through this, but only because you clearly can't handle it. Ugh. On the other hand, I find myself delving deeper into this mistake. That was an interesting night, to say the least. Totally typical situation.. that I've actually experienced before. It's like I never learn. A million and three lectures later and I still find myself here. I'm stubborn and stupid like that sometimes. Not wishing to think of the consequences, though it's the emotional aspect that truly worries me. Yeah I know you're not the most decent but let's be honest, neither am I. Along with the (actually super mild) bad influences you bring, it all just doesn't add up to enough. You're really not that special, though it does humor me how eerily familiar this all feels. I wonder if people look at me like that, cos it seems it's just a much more severe mirror image of myself and I'm not sure if I like what I see.
He talk like this 'cause he can back it up